How To Setup Fileserver Using Pydio On CentOS 6.5

Pydio, formerly known as AjaXplorer, is an open source application that can be used to setup fileserver on any system. It is an alternative to SaaS Boxes and Drives, with more control, safety and privacy, and favorable TCOs. It provides the easy access to files/folders from any system, from any browser over LAN or WAN. It has an embedded WebDAV server and native mobile applications for iOS and Android. It is easy to install, configure and it is designed to provide enterprise grade security and control. Moreover, Pydio users and groups can be mapped directly from your external LDAP/AD server, or from the most common PHP-based CMS.

Install Pydio

As I mentioned before, We can deploy Pydio on any webserver. In this tutorial, I am going to setup the fileserver using LAMP. To install and configure LAMP server, use any one of the following links. My testbox is running with CentOS 6.5 and my testbox hostname and IP Address is Also, the same steps are applicable for all RPM based distributions such as RHEL/Scientific Linux 6.x and Fedora.
  • Install LAMP (Apache with MariaDB and PHP) on CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux 6

    Create Database And User For Pydio

    Login to the database server and create Database:

    mysql; create database pydiodb;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
    mysql; GRANT ALL ON pydiodb.* TO 'pydiouser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin@123';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql; flush privileges;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql; exit


    Download Pydio

    Download the latest version from the Pydio download page.
    Here, you have two choices. You can manually download the tar or zip file and deploy it, or add the Pydio repository to your server.
    In our case, let us download the zip file and do the manual installation.
    Extract the zip file and move the contents to your web root directory.
    mv pydio-core-5.2.3/ /var/www/html/pydio
    Make sure that data folder has full permission(Read/Write).
    chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/pydio/data/
    Edit file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.
    vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
    Find the line.
    AllowOverride None
    Change it to:
    AllowOverride All
    Save and close the file. Restart apache service.

    Service httpd restart

    Start Pydio Installation

    Now, open up the browser and type http://domain-name/pydio or http://ip-address/pydio in the address bar.
    Now, again navigate to http://ip-address/pydio. You will see a following like screen. It will show any warnings or errors if exists. Review the error lines to check what action you should do.
    Click Start Wizard to continue.
    Click on the section and set the required parameters.
    Setup Admin account.

    Set default language and file server title.
  • Select your workspace and click on the “Enter” button. 

  •  This is how my Pydio web console looked after getting to the workspace.

    That's IT. Enjoy UR Self Friends!!! 


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