How To Installing Radius Manager in CentOS 6.5

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The easiest way to install Radius Manager is to use the included script. 

  It is located in Radius Manager tar archive and can be used on Redhat, Debian and (with slight modification of the environment) on other systems. Before You begin, be sure You have prepared the MySQL database tables and credentials. Radius Manager requires two databases:
1. RADIUS – for storing all system data, including users and accounting information.
2. CONNTRACK – for storing connection tracking system (CTS) data.
Create both databases even on a non-CTS enabled system.
Now download RM (radiusmanager-3.9.0.tgz) from dma customer portal in /temp folder. Now decompress the Radius Manager tarball using following command.

tar xf radiusmanager-3.9.0.tgz   
cd radiusmanager-3.9.0-rel-allpatches-1-5/

Now invoke the installer script, but first change its permission to 755. In the examples below we will use the installer script on Redhat / Fedora system.

chmod 755       
Radius Manager installer 
Select the type of your operating system:       
 1. Redhat (Fedora, CentOS etc.)
 2. Debian (Ubuntu etc.)  
 Choose an option: [1] Press Enter

Select the operating system You have. For Redhat, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora select option 1.
Now select the installation method:

Select installation type:

          1. New installation
          2. Upgrade old system     
          Choose an option: [1] Press Enter

For new installation, use option 1. You can see the default options after every question, so You can just press enter in most cases.

Choose an option: [1] Press Enter        
 Selected installation method: NEW INSTALLATION
 WWW root path: [/var/www/html]      Press Enter to default path

Now define the HTTP root folder. The installer will create radiusmanager subfolder in it automatically. On Redhat You can simply press enter.
Now define the MySQL database credentials:

Default Settings as below

RADIUS database host: [localhost]     
 RADIUS database username: [radius]
 RADIUS database password: [radius123]
 CTS database host: [localhost] 
 CTS database username: [conntrack]
 CTS database password: [conn123]

For the default setup simply press enter and use MySQL user “radius” with password “radius123” for RADIUS database, and conntrack / conn123 for CONNTRACK database.

The host is “localhost” by default. If You have different setup, specify proper values. If You are planning to use the system with hundreds of online users, it is recommended to use separate database host for CONNTRACK database.

In the next step You have to define the FreeRadius user. It must be the correct user to set the permission properly on /etc/radiusmanager.cfg. If there are permission problems on/etc/radiusmanager.cfg, Radius Manager  binaries will not function at all.

Freeradius UNIX user: [root]

On Fedora it is root, so simply press enter.
Now define the HTTP user (the user name under Apache is running). It is required to set the permission on files in radiusmanager/config directory. On Fedora it is the apache user.

Httpd UNIX user: [apache]

You can now decide to create rmpoller service or not? It is a standard Fedora / Debian compatible service script which invokes rmpoller helper. You can also start rmpoller using alternative ways.

Create rmpoller service: [y]

In most cases simply press enter. When a service has been created, You can use the command (on Fedora)

service rmpoller [start | stop]

to control rmpoller service activity. Also make this service auto starting at boot time together with FreeRadius. Use command chkconfig -add rmpoller on or use Webmin to activate the service at boot time.

In the next step select yes if You want to create the rmconntrack service. It is a standard Linux service, like rmpoller. It is required for Radius Manager CTS only.

Create rmconntrack service: [y]

When a service has been created, You can use the command

service rmconntrack [start | stop]

to control rmconntrack service activity. Also make this service auto starting at boot time.
It is strongly recommended to create a full database backup before You continue. Answer ‘yes’ to the following question:

Back up RADIUS database: [y]

Now the system warns You it will overwrite the existing databases if You continue. Press ‘y’ to continue or ‘n’ to abort the installation process.

WARNING! If You continue You will overwrite the existing RADIUS database!
 Are You sure to start the installation? [n]
 You can press Ctrl+C any time to abort the installation process.
Starting installation process...    
 Backing up radiusmanager.cfg Backing up system_cfg.php Backing up netcash_cfg.php Backing up paypal_cfg.php Backing up authorizenet_cfg.php Backing up dps_cfg.php Backing up 2co_cfg.php

 Copying web content to /var/www/html/radiusmanager Copying binaries to /usr/local/bin

 Copying rootexec to /usr/local/sbin Copying radiusmanager.cfg to /etc

 Backing up RADIUS database... Creating mysql tables

 Creating rmpoller service

 Creating rmconntrack service   

 Copying logrotate script 

 Setting permission on raddb files        

 Copying radiusd init script to /etc/init.d        

the  installation  process  is  finished, You  can begin configuring the system  with /etc/radiusmanager.cfg and radiusmanager/config files.
Add the following line to /etc/crontab to execute rmscheduler.php every day after midnight by issuing following command:

crontab -e
Now press i and add the the following entry.

02 0 * * * root /usr/bin/php
/var/www/html/radiusmanager/rmscheduler.php 12345

Now press ESC button, now press SHIFT+:  , now press wq  

it will save the crontab and exit.

12345 is the default password, as it is defined in system_cfg.php. Always specify the full path of the PHP interpreter. If You are not sure, check it’s location before You add the crontab record. The password has to match the predefined one in system_cfg.php.

Now download the the license files (lic.txt and mod.txt) and copy them in in radiusmanager web folder

cp lic.txt /var/www/html/radiusmanager        
cp mod.txt /var/www/html/radiusmanager

Now Try to access the ACP (Administration Control Panel) by pointing your browser to http://localhost/radiusmanager/admin.php. usename admin password 1111 (By Default)

Also test the functionality of the User Control Panel (UCP):


username user password 1111 by default




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